Q400 is flying VOR/ILS RWY32 approach
to Monbetsu Airport
Q400 is now on Short Final to Monbetsu Airport
DHC6-300 turns to IF of VOR/DME RWY31 approach at Okushiri Airport
DHC6-300 turning base to Final
Now, on Final Pitch Down, and Flap 35!
DHC6-300 on Final
Slipping to align RWY, as seen from 3D cockpit
Safely landed on RWY31!
Q400 commences an approach to Tajima Airport, in the evening gloom
VOR/DME/LLZ requires your careful watch out on PAPI
Q400 is on Long Final to RWY32
Look to a silhouette of Spoiler, which is turned out to be uncommon
Over the station for VOR/DME/ILS RWY31 Approach to New Tanegashima
On final to RWY31, against the sun
Commencing an initail appraoch to Amami Airport, Internal view of 3D Cockpit
Approaching Minima on ILS appraoch
Approaching Minima on ILS approach
Decelerating after safe landing on RWY03
On final for VOR/DME approach to Yoron Airport, Aligning an aircraft to RWY14
Landing aircraft is seen over the fence