On ILS approach to Fukuoka
See landing light reflection off mist
Main landing gear came in touch with the RWY16 of FUK!
On ILS to Kagoshima, setting sight on
touch down point under thundercloud!
Miyazaki RWY that dominating the foreground!
A320 landed at Oita, and now
she needs power for deceleration!
MD87 on downwind for RWY11 of
Kitakyushu under Captain on control!
MD87 turning final to align
RWY 11 of Kitakyushu!
MD87 over threshold of Kitakyushu
and be ready for flare!
A320 approaching to Saga and now high station over SAGA VOR!
On final to Kumamoto, having ridged terrain of Aso in your sight!
On short final to RWY32 of Nagasaki Viewed from the observer seat!
MD87 touched down at Tokunoshima Full reverse! Spoiler deployed!
A320 is being radar-vectored to final for Kochi
A300-600R had safely landed at Matsuyama
A300-600R is being radar-vectored to final for Tokushima!
Approaching MINIMA for landing at Takamatsu!
A300-600R on final for ILS to Naha!
B737-400 touching down to RWY04 of Ishigaki, and now for deceleration!
Passing throught 100 ft, at Miyako!
B737-400 vectored to final on ILS for Shimojishima, view from observer seat